Instructions for Chairs and Moderators

Instructions for Chairs and Moderators

Standard Sessions

As a session chairperson, you are responsible for the time management of the presentations within your session.

  • Familiarize yourself with your session’s presentations ahead of time. You may see the conference agenda here.
  • Please make sure to take a look at your session’s content onsite for any last minute changes to your session.
  • Plan to arrive at your session at least 5-10 minutes before the start time.
  • Introduce yourself to the audience before the start time, giving the name of the session and ask people to take their seats quickly. Encourage the audience to take center/front seats.
  • Ask people to set all cell phones on silent.
  • Introduce the speaker and presentation title as indicated in the Program Book.

Strictly adhere to the schedule printed in the Program Book relating to the order of speakers, start and end times of each talkThis is very important for the conference. We must be fair to allow all speakers their allotted time.

  • Note that some sessions have designated time for Discussion or Q&A at their end. In these cases speaker alloted times are intended for their presentations only. If a session consists of presentations only, the time for Q&A (4-5 min) is incorporated in the speaker presentation time.
  • If a speaker doesn’t leave time for questions, please proceed immediately to the next lecture, without Q&A.
  • Assure no disturbances
  • At the end of the session, kindly thank the presenters and the audience for their participation.

Panel Discussions

Moderators of the panel discussions are responsible for the structure and organization of the panel discussion and the session time management. As a moderator your tasks include:

  • Introduce yourself before the audience;
  • Make a short introduction to the question/topic subject to discussion;
  • Introduce the panelists, participating in the discussion;
  • Ask the questions you have preliminary prepared for the panelists and give them the floor to answer and discuss on them;
  • Encourage the audience to take part in the discussion, asking their own questions to the panelists.

Be prepared for the unexpected.
If the session ends early, do one or more of the following:

  • Have questions prepared for the speakers.
  • Solicit questions from the audience.
  • If you finish much before the allotted time, you may let the session out early.

If a speaker failed to attend the session move to the next presentation. 


The CannX Committee thanks you for your important contribution to the conference success.

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